• Question: what type of galaxy is Andromeda?

    Asked by 1demi1 to Divya, Clare on 17 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Clare Nevin

      Clare Nevin answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      As far as I know that’s the closest one to the Milky Way and is the largest one in our local group of galaxies. It is a spiral galaxy. Wow I have just done some reading and apparently Andromeda and the Milky Way are expected to collide with each other in about 4 billion years!! And they will most likely form a giant elliptical galaxy! Makes you feel so small.

    • Photo: Divya Venkatesh

      Divya Venkatesh answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Haha yes – a galaxy is still a LOT of empty space, I wonder how many collisions there will be. Apparently, the Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Milky Way at approximately 100 to 140 kilometres per second – I’m glad we are far far away.
