• Question: Are you looking forward to anything in the future?

    Asked by needforspeed to Lewis, Jess, Ian, Divya, Clare on 17 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Jess Smith

      Jess Smith answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      Haha YES! I’m looking forward to a lot of things. I’m looking forward to things at work, (like getting results back, applying for new jobs) and in general life (I’m going on holiday soon, moving to London next year).

      People say that school is the best years of your life, but don’t worry I am really enjoying being a grown up too!

    • Photo: Lewis Dean

      Lewis Dean answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      Yeah, I am looking forward to many things. I am looking forward to my show about chimpanzees (see my profile). I am looking forward to going to three of my friends’ weddings this summer. I am looking forward to do more work at the zoo. All in all, I am pretty content right now!

    • Photo: Ian Hands-Portman

      Ian Hands-Portman answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      Yes, I’m looking forward to a quite weekend next week repainting our tiny battered narrowboat ( it’s the size of a mini! ) and and in five weeks I’m going back to Cuba where I’ll spend an awful lot of time in the water and take huge numbers of photographs of birds and lizards.

      On the work front we’ve just started looking for a new microscope, I’ve a budget of half a million pounds and I’m looking forward to trying out lots of different models before we buy.

    • Photo: Clare Nevin

      Clare Nevin answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      Like Jess I am also looking forward to (or maybe anticipating) finishing my PhD with some good results that I can be proud of. I haven’t thought about what I want to do after I finish too much but I would love to work in California or at least travel and stay there for a while. It’s quite unnerving when you don’t have a life plan but I guess it is also very liberating.

    • Photo: Divya Venkatesh

      Divya Venkatesh answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Like Jess and Clare, I’m also looking forward to the day I can be finished with my PhD! (hopefully successfully). Right now I’m looking forward to receiving the results back from this big experiement I’ve just done, that needs to be analysed by our collaborators in Scotland — that will tell me if I’m on track to finish on time, fingers crossed!

      I’m also looking forward to the conference that I’m helping to organise that is happening at the end of the month. We are trying to invite the media to the conference right now and we are getting a good response so far so it’s very exciting.

      I am MOVING to Dundee, Scotland soon because my supervisor has got a job there – not sure I’m entirely looking forward to it because I’ve grown to love Cambridge, but I’m sure the Scottish countryside will keep me amused 🙂
