• Question: If PE was your favourite subject a school why did you not go into somthing in that area? What made you choose the path you took?

    Asked by wild95 to Jess on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Jess Smith

      Jess Smith answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Good question! I did love PE, and I have kept up sport all the way through University and into my PhD. I guess I decided that it would be easy to keep sport as a hobby, than it would be to have science as a hobby. And that the more science I did, the more enjoyment I would get out of it (which is true!)

      I actually have a lot of friends who do materials science and engineering who also loved PE and sport. I think they go quite well together! Some of them have kept sport as a hobby, and some have turned their science talents to sport, doing research projects in to sports performance.

      I hope this helps!
