• Question: is it true that andromeda galexy will colide with milky way if so will we be affected

    Asked by 1234harry to Clare, Divya, Ian, Jess, Lewis on 17 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Lewis Dean

      Lewis Dean answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      I don’t know much about Galaxies and Milky Ways, except that I like it when they collide with my mouth! 🙂

      All of the things in the Universe are moving around and travelling through space. Our galaxy (the Milky Way) may well collide with others at some point. However, this is a long time away yet.

    • Photo: Ian Hands-Portman

      Ian Hands-Portman answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      According to wikipedia yes! and it’s cropped up in a couple of sci fi books but since we’re talking at least 4 billion years I’m not going to worry about it too much. Mind you if that’s an American billion it’s an awful lot sooner…..

    • Photo: Clare Nevin

      Clare Nevin answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      I’ve done some reading for another question and yes apparently this is true. As Ian said in 4 billion years. Considering the earth is only 4.5 billion years old and homo sapiens only evolved around 250,000 years ago, that time is pretty redundant to us. Something else will probably end the earth before that happens…

    • Photo: Divya Venkatesh

      Divya Venkatesh answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Galaxies are a lot of empty space so probably the earth might escape if it’s lucky! But I have a feeling we won’t be around in 4 billion years — even if we don’t blow ourselves up or go extinct before that — we may not be humans as we know it!
