• Question: What is you favorite experiment so far?

    Asked by needforspeed to Jess on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Jess Smith

      Jess Smith answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Somebody else has asked me this as well, I wander if my answers will match up?!

      My favourite experiment to do on a regular basis is mechanical testing. Where we break stuff in big rigs, to see what the limits of our material are. I like it because you can change the way you make a material, and then when you put it in the mechanical testing rig, you can find out almost instantly if you managed to improve it.

      If I had to chose a one off experiment that I have done, I found a new way to change the shape of our tissue expanders, which really opened up a whole new area of the project to look in to. That was a really great experiment to do- just because it worked so well and I didn’t really expect it to!
