• Question: What kind of experiments do you work on and how big is physiology in your line of work

    Asked by yanisabdellioui to Jess on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Jess Smith

      Jess Smith answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      So I work on a lot of different experiments… some are to change the properties of samples, and some are to test the properties of the samples.

      My favourite experiments to do are mechanical testing ones. We use these to stretch or squash our samples until they break. You can look at a lot of different things when you do this- how much force it takes until it breaks, how far it stretches or squashes before it breaks, what it looks likes as it breaks, and a lot of other things!

      We work as a big team in biomaterials, so some people working in the field wont really use physiology at all, but some people will use it a lot!

      I hope this helps
