• Question: yo who caused the big bang?

    Asked by adilrav1999 to Clare, Divya on 10 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by 1demi1.
    • Photo: Clare Nevin

      Clare Nevin answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      No single person or being caused the big bang. Today, we know that galaxies in the Universe are accelerating away from each other which has led to the main theory that it must have started at an infinitely small, dense, hot point. When enough electrical and gravitational energy was generated, there was a massive expansion from which stars and galaxies were formed.

    • Photo: Divya Venkatesh

      Divya Venkatesh answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Yeah what Clare said! ‘Who’ is a cheeky question yo 🙂
